Evan M. Cohen, a talented illustrator and comic book artist, presents a beautiful comic titled “Feeling.” In this poignant piece, Cohen offers a wistful reflection on the changing seasons and the enduring power of hope in the face of life’s challenges.
Embracing Change and Hope
“Feeling” serves as a heartfelt ode to the passage of time and the cyclical nature of existence. Through his evocative imagery and accompanying poem, Cohen captures the essence of transition and transformation, reminding viewers of the inherent beauty found in both growth and decay.
Symbolism and Imagery
In Cohen’s comic, each panel is infused with symbolism and meaning, inviting viewers to interpret and reflect on the themes presented. From the delicate imagery of flowers in bloom to the fading light of summer, Cohen skillfully weaves together visual elements that evoke a sense of nostalgia and longing.
Finding Comfort in Grief
Amidst the bittersweet moments of loss and change, “Feeling” offers a message of resilience and hope. Through his introspective exploration of emotion and experience, Cohen reminds us that even in our darkest moments, there is comfort to be found in the knowledge that nothing lasts forever.
“Feeling” by Evan M. Cohen is a touching testament to the complexities of the human experience. Through his masterful storytelling and evocative artwork, Cohen invites viewers on a journey of self-discovery and reflection. As we immerse ourselves in the pages of “Feeling,” we are reminded of the enduring power of hope and the beauty found in embracing life’s inevitable changes.